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Boorloo/ Perth based, multi-award winning singer/ songwriter Timothy Nelson is one of the city’s most remarkable storytellers, taking out numerous WAM (West Australian Music) ‘Song of The Year’ awards in addition to successfully completing A New Song Every Week Youtube series in 2023, a testament to the quality and quantity of work he can produce as a storyteller/ songwriter. Building to the release of his forthcoming album ‘Debaser Tapes’, Timothy Nelson unveils new sombre, acoustic folk number, Greenmount Hill.

The seventh single to be lifted from the album, Greenmount Hill is a nostalgic ode to the Perth Hills area, Timothy explaining that “For me this is a song about how you can associate a whole suburb or area with a very specific period in your life. You might find yourself passing through town again at some point and of course all these memories just come flooding back at once.”

Deviating slightly from the more summery, pop sounding singles Better I Leave It Alone and Your House, Greenmount Hill sits comfortably in the classic singer/songwriter realm, as an acoustic guitar, lightly brushed drums, and a creeping bass line back Timothy’s honestly delivered vocals. Settling into a comfortable groove, the track’s intimate nature keeps the listener close and hanging onto every word, taking them by surprise when the bridge kicks in and a breathtaking explosion of harmonies lifts the song to new heights.

Self confessed as some of his most vulnerable lyric writing to date, the track almost never saw the light of day, Timothy sharing “It was actually hard to finish… I had written maybe half of it, years ago… and when I was putting songs together for the album Andy (Lawson, producer) said this one had become one of his favourites. I sort of, almost reluctantly went back there in my mind and dug deep to finish it. I haven’t written anything this vulnerable in a while…” He Continues, “I mean I used to write a lot of songs like this I guess but over time I sort of veered into more fictional storytelling, taking true stories and joining together into something a little bit made up, maybe as a way to protect myself more than anything. It’s been a while since I’ve dropped my guard in that sense and just been this completely straight up in a song. It feels quite uncomfortable to sing, to be completely honest. It’s about a period of my life that has long been over for many, many years and it’s so raw as well… but that’s probably why it was worth seeing through and putting it on the record, I just needed Andy to point that out to me, or else I might’ve buried it forever.”

Recorded with Andy Lawson at Debaser Studios (Eskimo Joe, Little Birdy, Foam), ‘Debaser Tapes’ is due for release in full October this year. In the meantime, fans can expect some live clips over on Timothy Nelson’s YouTube channel in addition to the Timothy Nelson duo appearing every Friday in May, 4:30pm-6:30pm at The Rosemount Hotel Beer Garden, Perth (WA) performing new songs off an upcoming album, and old ones too with a fresh duo line up of acoustic guitar, bass and a drum machine – MORE INFO HERE.


With thanks to Blue Grey Pink

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