Brisbane metal act DisKust have released a brand new bone crushing track titled Never Have I Ever accompanied by a music video. The single embraces all things DisKust and gives listeners a preview of where the last year of writing, recording and touring has taken the band. Far more compelx, heavier and faster than previous releases, Never Have I Ever is the next level that has now been set as the standard.
Check out the song on digital platforms HERE
“For me this is our most powerful and whole release to date, everything is switched up to 11 from riffs, production, lyrics – everything. We have come a long way as a band in the last 12-18 months and this single encumbers everything we are now and what is to come.” says Kiel (guitar). Jayce (guitar) goes on to say, “It’s heavy, fast and filthy – breakdown of the year. Having had a strong hand in writing NHIE, I’m very proud of how it’s turned out.”

Thanks to Black-Roos Entertainment