Words by Emily Hollitt
There are not many genres that stick it out quite as much as Punk, particularly around Brisbane. A globally recognised culture shaper ranging from it’s 1970’s roots to its ever-important 1990’s Riot Grrl era, it’s as diverse as it is timeless. Now, in 2023, Punk has taken a whole new form, spearheaded by femme-fronted newcomers Prink, describing themselves as “Meanjin’s first ever PRUNK band“.
Prink were first formed in 2022 by “two musical novices fuelled by anger and Passion Pop” with one simple goal in mind; to make you “feel their wrath through their fast synth-y riffs that you’re bound to cross your arms and nod your head to“. And they’ve done exactly that with debut single Wifebeater.
Opening with a simple synth riff before the fast-paced instrumental joins in, the track draws you in straight from the get-go. Already, you’ve got no choice but to bob your head a little. “You can’t ignore me, ’cause I can see ya, I can see right through ya like a wet wifebeater!” They repeat in each chorus. Wifebeater manages in just over 2 minutes to captivate the listener from start-to-finish with its lively feel and engaging lyrics.
I loved the track so much, I just had to pick Prink‘s brains and see exactly what makes them tick! Luckly, Macie and Piper had a few moments to spare.
You’ve just released your debut single Wifebeater. Congratulations! Can you take us through what this track is about?
M: It’s about self-righteous people that claim to be progressive but are actually kinda bigoted.
I love the sound of the track! Were there any particular bands/ artists that inspired this?
M: We are super inspired by pretty much anything and everything especially Ausmuteants. We don’t sound near as good but we love them.
What does the average songwriting session look like from PRINK?
M: We tend to write our songs separately, either Piper will show me a poem she wrote and we make it into a song, or I will just strike inspiration randomly and pump one out. When we write together, It’s usually a combination of Passion Pop, self loathing and a Saturday arvo trauma dump. Then we take them to Elijah and Aidan to add some D’n’B.
How did PRINK come about?
M: I begged Piper to be in a band. She said “I cannot play anything” I said “I don’t care”. Piper then cornered Elijah our bassist at a party to join. He had also never played bass before. Aidan messaged us after our epic drummer Gemma left asking if we ever needed a drummer he was there. And we did!
Define ‘PRUNK’.
M: PRINK is prunk. There’s no other way to explain it.
Where do you see your band in 5 years’ time?
M: A household name.
P: Literally anywhere but here.
If you could play alongside any band, dead or alive, who would you choose?
P: David Bowie if I hadn’t cancelled him.
M: Devo, Electric Light Orchestra or Supertramp. I can’t choose!
What are your top 3 albums of all time?
M: ‘Breakfast in America’ by Supertramp, Ausmuteants’ ‘Present the World in Handcuffs’ and ‘Confessions on a Dancefloor’ by Madonna.
P: The Cure – ‘Disintegration’, The Labyrinth Soundtrack and Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack, obviously.
Who are some of your favourite local acts around right now?
M: We loveee Piss Shivers, The Unknowns and Sacred Hearts.
Finally, what can we expect next from PRINK?
M: We’re finally releasing our EP on the 1st of September.
Wifebeater is available now on all platforms – LISTEN HERE